ok this book had a few flaws that really bothered me or it would have been 4 stars.::there might be light spoilers ahead:First, her back story was handled really poorly. We finally found out who she was more than half way through the book in two paragraphs and the details weren't mentioned until the very last paragraph. I understand wanting to build suspense and surprise everyone with the major plot details, but this was just a bit annoying. There should have been an intro chapter that had "the kiss" in it and the last chapter could be saved for the "plot twist". It ended up just being confusing.Second, she dated guys (at least one) to give them a chance to try to feel something for them. To see if maybe they were the one she had been waiting for. However, the guy she immediately felt something for for the first time she brushed off and avoided and really did send huge mixed signals. I guess maybe that was because she just really didn't want him to be the one because of his reputation, but it made it so insanely glaringly obvious who he was the whole time. That was frustrating to me. I felt like after all those years of not feeling something, when she finally did you would think she would have a clue.I will be reading the next book because I did love Shane and with the way this one ended I do want to see what happens. It helps that I am a fast reader. :)