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Torment (Fallen, Book 2)

Udręka - Lauren Kate This one was also just shy of three stars or "I Like It". In a way I get what the author is doing by not giving us answers. In the books Luce never ever gets them and it makes her go crazy and get so frustrated and I feel like we are supposed to be feeling the same things she is feeling so that aspect did not bother me as much with this book as with the last. the thing that really bothered me was how insanely whiney Luce is! Everything is "woe is me". "My boyfriend isn't perfect enough". etc. It's kind of stupid! She has all these expectations of Daniel and what he is supposed to say and do for her, but yet he isn't allowed to expect anything of her. She really is just kind of dumb thinking her 17-18 years of life is enough to know more about what is happening and what to do about it as those around her who have been around for all of time pretty much. It's annoying. I will read the last one just because I want to see it all finished up and I want to see her get some answers mostly just because I want them, not because I think she deserves them.